Osseous or Pocket Reduction Surgery

Osseous surgery, sometimes referred to as pocket reduction surgery, refers to a procedure aimed at gaining access to the tooth roots to remove tartar and disease-causing bacteria.

Periodontal (gum) diseases attack the gums and bone supporting the teeth. The tissues separate from the teeth, forming pockets (spaces between the teeth and gums) that become infected. As the disease progresses, the pockets deepen and more gum tissue and bone are destroyed. Eventually, if too much bone is lost, the teeth will need to be extracted.

Dr. Hyde, Dr. Greising, Dr. Tzanos and Dr. Abreu may recommend a pocket reduction procedure because you have pockets that are unhealthy and too deep to clean with daily oral hygiene and a professional recall program.  When there are deeper pockets, bacteria from your mouth can enter the bloodstream and travel throughout the body, potentially contributing to other life threatening diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and pregnancy complications to name just a few.

This treatment involves folding back the gum tissue, removing diseased tissues and bacteria, and thoroughly cleaning the exposed root surfaces. We may also smooth the damaged bone to help set up a more optimal healing environment.

The ultimate goal of pocket reduction surgery, or osseous surgery, is to reduce or eliminate the periodontal pockets that lead to periodontal disease.  With this procedure, the doctors at Northwest Periodontics & Implants can help you maintain your teeth in a pleasing state of health, comfort, and function.

Before Pocket Reduction
This patient had advanced bone loss with pocketing. The gums were red, swollen, and bled easily. Arrows point to areas of severe periodontitis.

After Pocket Reduction
Two years following treatment, this patient maintains healthy teeth and gums with routine periodontal maintenance. Note the pink, firm tissues that do not bleed.